Intercultural Day 2020

Intercultural Day 2020
We, at St. George’s, believe that everyone should feel welcome and that diversity should be celebrated. We are ‘A School Where You Can Be You!’
Sadly, due to the current school closure, we will not be hosting our annual Intercultural Day in St. George’s school this year.
Intercultural Day is a special and very much enjoyed day in the school calendar. It provides the pupils with the opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities that celebrate diversity and the many different cultures and traditions in our school. Participation in these activities teaches children to appreciate and respect other cultures and understand the beauty in diversity.
This year we would like you and your child/children to celebrate Intercultural Day 2020 at home on Wednesday 24th of June.
Please find below some suggested activities that you and your child/children can take part in to celebrate cultural diversity on Intercultural Day.
Please note that it is very important that all children are supervised by an adult when using the internet.
We would love it if you could take some photos or videos of your child/children taking part in some of these activities. If you wish to choose your own multicultural activities, you are most welcome to do so.
Please send any photos/videos that you are happy to share to There is no obligation to send any if you do not wish to do so. Some of the photos/videos that you share will be posted on the school website. We look forward to seeing what special activities you took part in on Intercultural Day 2020!
Suggested Activities:
- Read the school’s ‘Diversity Code’ at home with your family. Talk about what it means. (The Diversity Code is attached below)
- Dress up in your national costume for the day (if this is applicable to you)
- Read and learn about other countries and their special cultures.
Learn interesting facts such as what the population and currency is, what the national flag looks like, what food is eaten there, what clothes are worn, what language is spoken etc.
Click on this link to find workbooks that contain activities for children themed around a range of different countries. These workbooks are all free to download.
You may also find this website very useful for researching information about countries:
- Do a project based on a country of your choice. Research information for your project with a family member using the website link directly above. Your project could focus on famous landmarks that can be found in the country you choose.
- Play some games from around the world with your family. Are there any differences or similarities between these games and the games that you play with your friends?
Click on this link to find out more about how to play these games listed below:
- Marbles – Knuckle Down
- Mancala
- Yut (Korea)
- Origami Paper Boats (Japan)
- Tangram Puzzles (China)
- Kubb
- Write down and share the rules of popular games that are played in a country of your choice.
- Make some traditional/cultural art from a country of your choice.
Click on this link to find out more about how to make the art ideas listed below:
- Japanese Koinobori – Carp Windstock (Japan)
- African Necklaces – Maasai Tribal Jewellery (Southern Kenya/Northern Tanzania)
- Russian Nesting Dolls – Matryoshka Dolls (Russian Folk Art)
- Middle Eastern Geometric Tiles
- New Zealand Maori Tribal Necklaces (New Zealand)
- Make the national flag of a country of your choice.
- Bake or cook a special recipe from another country.
- Bake or cook a special recipe from your own culture and share the recipe with your classmates.
- For younger children, you can bake some little cakes using letter molds. Once they are decorated, you can use them to spell out the names of some countries before eating them all up!
- Research an influential, important or admirable person from another country. Examples could include: Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai, Valentina Tereshkova, Rosa Parks
- Listen to music from other countries. What do you think of the music? How does it make you feel? Does it make you feel like dancing?
- Sing a well-known song from a country of your choice.
- Sing the national anthem of a country of your choice.
- Sing and learn the song, ‘Everyone Belongs.’ Some of the children may remember this song from last year. (The lyrics and the music are attached below)
- Perform a traditional dance from a country of your choice.
- Learn interesting facts about some religions and spiritual traditions in the world.
Click on the links below to learn about religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and many more.
- Print out a world map or use a globe to discover where other countries are located around the world. Find out how long it would take you to get there from Ireland.
- Read a book or poem in your native language, with or without a parent or sibling.
- Write a short story/poem in your native language, with or without a parent or sibling.
- Listen to a recording of a person speaking in a different language. Do you recognise any of the words? Are these words similar to words you know in your language?
- Watch a foreign film with your family (with or without subtitles).
- Learn a new language! Learn how to say common expressions such as: ‘hello,’ ‘goodbye,’ ‘how are you?’ ‘please,’ ‘thank you’ ‘you’re welcome’
Ask an older sibling to teach you a little of the foreign language that they are learning in secondary school.
- Research information about the animals that live in different countries in the world. How are these animals different or similar to the animals that live here in Ireland?
Links to More Useful Websites:
Diversity Code

Everybody Belongs
Everybody Belongs Song Lyrics
Everyone Belongs
Words and Music by Glyn Lehmann
We're all different you and me
That's what we call diversity
Every life is like a brand new song
It starts out with a melody
And like the branches of a tree
Grows and grows throughout your whole life long
Change will come for better or worse
And so you add another verse
Sing it loud and sing it strong
Chorus x2
Everyone belongs
Where they can sing their song
And live in harmony
With neighbours, friends and family
It's not just about the clothes we wear or how we
The colour of our skin, the kind of food we cook
There’s more to you and me than just what meets
the eye
There’s all the different feelings that we have
Everyone is different in so many ways
Wouldn’t it be boring if we were all the same
Celebrate your culture, your family history
And when we’re all together celebrate diversity
Chorus x2
Everyone belongs
Where they can sing their song
And live in harmony
With neighbours, friends and family
Listen carefully
Can you hear a voice
Struggling to be heard?
Give them a chance to be
Heard above the noise
That’s something everyone deserves
repeat Verse
Chorus x2
Everyone is different in so many ways
Wouldn’t it be boring if we were all the same
Celebrate your culture, your family history
And when we’re all together celebrate diversity
St. George's National School, Naul Road, Balbriggan Co. Dublin Phone: 01-8410107