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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin

Green Schools


Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools.

Promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment Green-Schools is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce (FEE member for Ireland).
Green-Schools is operated in partnership with Local Authorities and is supported by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government; Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment; Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport; The Department of Arts, Heritage Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Irish Aid, National Transport Authority; National Parks and Wildlife Service, Irish Water and the Wrigley Company Limited.



8th Jun 2024
This week the Green Team got some very exciting post. A large envelope was sent to...
22nd Mar 2024
On Thursday some lucky pupils were brought on a school trip to Bounce N Beyond as...
20th Mar 2024
We’ve been busy learning about what we can do to help protect our planet. We...
12th Mar 2024
We worked in small groups to gather and collate information on different types of...
4th Mar 2024
Today the 5th and 6th class spotted an interesting visitor. A pheasant decided to...
2nd Mar 2024
On Friday 1st March we had our Global Citizenship Litter and Waste Action Day. We...
1st Mar 2024
This week we have been learning all about FairTrade and Global Goals! We played the...
1st Mar 2024
Litter And Waste Survey Year 2
28th Feb 2024
This week Ms Anderson's class studied what it means to be a Global Citizen, and how...
We have been learning about the Global Development Goals in our class. We talked...

What is Biodiversity


Threats to Biodiversity


How to Help Biodiversity


Native Irish Plants and Wildlife


Why Biodiversity is Important