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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin

Biodiversity Survey

17th May 2021

As part of our Green Flag we asked some students to complete a survey to see what they already know about Biodiversity. Here are some of our findings;

  • 41% of students surveyed knew that Biodiversity was to do with plants and animals.
  • 35% of students surveyed were able to identify one reason why Biodiversity is important.
  • 26% of students surveyed were able to identify one threat to Biodiversity.
  • 32% of students surveyed were able to come up with one way to help Biodiversity.
  • 32% of students surveyed identified the cutting down of trees as a threat to Biodiversity and 30% said pollution had a negative effect on Biodiversity.
  • 17% of students recognised the importance of planting as a way to improve Biodiversity.

We asked them to identify some Native Irish plants and animals, here is what we learned;

  • The most recognised animal was the Hedgehog with 91% of students identifying it correctly.
  • Only 43% of students were able to identify the Badger with many confusing him for a skunk.
  • The most recognised tree was the Oak Tree and the least recognised was the Silver Birch Tree.
  • 50% of students recognised the Buttercup but only 2% of students could identify the Primrose, Gorse and Fuschia, so we need to brush up on our Native Flowers knowledge!
  • Of the students surveyed most could identify at least three of the animals in the quiz.

Can you identify the plants and animals in the pictures?