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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin

First week of the New Year!

18th Jan 2024
We had a busy first week back at school. We started the week thinking of our resolutions for the New Year. Here are some we have made;
"To work on my behaviour", Aaron
"To learn some new languages", Kristala
"Listen more and less talking!, Elyons
We hope we can stick to them!
We have started working on Poetry in our English lessons. We looked at some poems in our books and then tried to write some poems of our own. We tried using alliteration, rhythm and rhyme to make them interesting. Check out some of our examples below.
We learned about Pointillism in Art and have been looking at decimals in Maths. We also have a rugby coach coming in for the next few weeks to build our skills.
We finished the week with a treat as we had earned 20 Maith Thú cards in the last term. We made smores in the classroom. Ayanah said they were good, Gina said they were very gooey and Matei said they were delicious. 
It was a busy but a fun week!