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St. George's National School, Balbriggan Co. Dublin

Our Trip to Turvey Park

12th May 2023

We had the best day out on Thursday at Turvey Park!

It was great to see Mouse again for our final session. We completed so many activities. First we walked from the entrance to the OWLS area. On the way we all completed a scavenger hunt. When we got to the camp we had our snacks in the various shelters in the woods! It was great fun even though it was raining 🌧️ 

After this we played chasing games and even had a war between the two classes. We decorated our faces with face paints for the war and had dens.

Then we collected some firewood and Mouse showed us how to make a campfire. We had to be very careful not to fall in or near it. We cooked and ate some mealworms and finally we roasted marshmallows and made some s’mores. 

It was a great day and we made lots of new memories.